Branches of civil engineering knowledge

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Branches of technical knowledge sipil * Struktural: the Branch that studied the structural problem from material that was used for the development. A form of the building was possibly made from several choices of the material kind like the steel, the concrete, wood, glasses or the other material. Each material had their respective characteristics. Structural broad knowledge studied the material characteristics so as in the long run could be chosen material whatever that was suitable for this building kind. In this field was studied deeper the matter that was linked with structure planning of the building, the road, bridge, the tunnel from the development of the foundation to the building was ready to be used.
* Geoteknik: the Branch that studied the structure and the characteristics of various land sorts in supporting a building that will stand above. His scope could take the form of field investigation that was investigation of land situations of an area and was reinforced with laboratory investigation. * Manajemen of the Construction: the Branch that studied the problem in the construction project that was linked with economics, scheduling for the work, the return of capital, the project cost, all the matters that were linked with the law and building permission through to the organising of the work in the field so as to be hoped this building was finished right on time.
* Hidro and the Environment: the Branch that studied water and the nature environment, the control and his problem. Included this field including the branch of knowledge of water hydrology (in connection with the weather, the rainfall, the water debit of a river etc.), hydraulics (the material characteristics of water, the water pressure, water thrust etc.) and the water building like the port, dam, the irrigation, the reservoir/the dam, the canal through to the sanitation technique. * Transportasi: the Branch that studied concerning the transport system in planning and his implementation. Included this field including the construction and the highway regulation, the construction of the airport, the terminal, the station and his management. * Informatika Teknik Sipil: the new Branch that studied the application of the Computer for the calculation/pemodelan a system in the Development project or the Research. Included this field including being demonstrated take the form of pemodelan the Structure of the Building (Structural from Material or Chad), pemodelan the movement of the ground water or the waste, pemodelan the environment with GIS Technology (Geographic information system).

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