Civil engineering

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Civil engineering was one of the branches of technical knowledge that studied about how drafted, constructive, renovated not only the building and the infrastructure, but also included the environment for the living advantage of humankind. Civil engineering had the wide scope, inside mathematical knowledge, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, the environment as far as the computer had his role was their respective. Civil engineering was developed in line with the level of the requirement for humankind and his movement, until could be said this knowledge could change a forest into the city.
Indonesia is a country located in one of the world’s most active seismic zones where earthquakes with various magnitudes occur, with at least one of magnitude five or larger occurs weekly. A major earthquake followed by tsunami devastated Aceh province at the end of 2004 and caused more than 200,000 fatalities. Another earthquake that hit Yogyakarta and Central Java provinces in mid 2006 claimed thousands of lives and caused serious damage to structures and lifelines. These two earthquakes, occurred within less than two years time, emphasize that efforts should be made to minimize fatalities and economic loss due to earthquake hazard.

This international conference will be an opportunity to share view and experiences regarding lessons learned from most recent and past earthquakes, enabling all scientists and practicing engineers, including government officials to formulate action plans for anticipating future earthquakes. Keynote speeches and invited presentations will be given during plenary sessions of the conference. The subjects will include advances in earthquake engineering, seismic and tsunami - from hazard to risk assessments, disaster mitigation and management, rehabilitation and reconstruction, case-histories, on-shore and off-shore earthquake resistant facilities, tsunami warning system, and other related subjects. This variety of topics would make this international conference as a special event after the largest earthquake of this century. Two optional post-conference activities will be provided.

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